From the blogger that brought to you “FaceTime With Sharon” comes a new quirky character named Ricky.

He’s lived in the same 3 mile radius his whole life and says he knows every inch of that land. He works at Walmart as a shelf stocker and lives in the trailer park Vista Verde. He’s been saving pennies over 4 years now so he can go to Daytona for “Spring Break” sometime. Ricky’s Motto “Get It and loves his Bud Lights because they are “easy down the hatch”. His girlfriend Juanita, a vampire obsessed goth redneck from the next town over, he meet online in a chat room for the video game “Castlevania: Lords of Shadow”. Though small in build, Ricky likes to show off his “muscles” by smashing Bud Light cans and throwing boxes of wine. He spends his free time playing new X box games and practicing his newly invented type of dance where you line dance and shoot your gun all while holding a Bud Light.
He calls it the “Slicky Ricky”. Check out Ricky in these fun videos featuring his top 5 List!