Here at I’ve Got Munchies, we don’t discriminate on how you get wasted whether it’s via herbal pleasures or through the delights of drinking. We understand it’s your own prerogative. We often like to get together for a friendly round(s) of cocktails.
Here are some of our favorite ways to imbibe that alcohol:

- Jello Shots- We love the blog My Jello Americans for creative jello shots
- Punch in Rum Special- We take a clean syringe and fill up a juice box or capri sun with our favorite rum- very portable!
- Ice Pop with an extra pop!- Taken from the clever Gizmodo Happy Hour Special with the Drunken Boy Scout. Check it out!
- Gummy Bears with a splash of alcohol- Soak your gummy bears over night with your favorite alcohol
- Adult Milkshakes- add an extra shot or 5 to your favorite milkshake (Kahlúa, Baileys and Amaretto work the best)
- Pickle Backs- All the rage in Brooklyn- it’s a shot of Jameson (or Whiskey) and a shot of pickle juice taken back to back
- Spiked Watermelon- soak chunks of watermelon in vodka for a boozy snack
- Boozed up Coffee or Hot Chocolate- Add a shot of Baileys or Kahlúa to your warm beverage for that extra needed warm me up boost!

Make St.Patty’s Day extra special with a few bizarre drinking tactics! It’s important to get the drunkies!