Watch Mary Jane buy a massive amount of Pop Tarts for Pop Tart Sandwiches, which she makes the sandwiches compete against each in Pop Tart Idol. Also featuring: The Joy of Painting- Music Edition, Janice Peppermill on being single, Timmy and Toehead- Art Class, Squirm and Germ’s “We Doo Wop”, Ricky’s Top 5 Women He Wishes Were Real, Mariyln Snodgrass- Stylist for the Dead, and Papaya Brothers “BTA”.
Air Dates
May 28th, 2012 and June 11th, 2012
- Executive Producer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Producer: Jenn Dodd
- Head Writers: Jenn Dodd and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Stuffed Comedy Talent: Sharon Jamilkowski, Jenn Dodd, and Percy Lambert
- Featured Talent: Squirm and Germ– Tim Girrbach and Rodney Umble, Papaya Brothers- Mike Feeney and Brendan Mcloughlin
- Camera: Percy Lambert, Jenn Dodd, and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Directors: Jenn Dodd and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Costume Designer: Susan Ducey
- Puppet Designer: Jan Williams
- Graphic Designer: Dallas Dodd
- Editors: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Assistant Editor: Jenn Dodd
- Puppeteer: Percy Lambert
- “Greasy Wheel”
- “Day Dreamer- the Sunday Morning Wake Up song” by After Son
- “Bedazzeled Heart” by Sharon Jamilkowski
- “We Doo Wop” by Squirm and Germ
- “American Idol Theme”
- “Jellyman Kelly” by James Taylor
- “Toehead Theme” by Sharon Jamilkowski
- “Toehead Background” by Jenn Dodd
- “Cooking Theme Song” by Evan Cannon
- “Cooking Opening Theme” by Jenn Dodd, Sharon Jamilkowski