Mary Jane moves in with her drug dealer after getting evicted and to deal with a nasty sweet tooth, she makes Dessert Potato Chips! Also featuring hilarious sketches from Sharon Jamilkowski, ABU Films: Humor Me Series, Tim Girrbach, and The Talent.
- “Mating Season” by The Talent
- “Lonely Old Lady- Lip Sync” by Tim Girrbach
- “How To Take A Leak-Proof Nude Photo” by Sharon Jamilkowski
- “Go The **ck To Sleep” by ABU Films: Humor Me series
- “Ricky’s Top 5 Reasons USA Is Better Than Russia” by Sharon Jamilkowski and Nick Bowan
MNN Air Dates
November 10th, 2014 and November 24th, 2014
- Executive Producer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Producer: Jenn Dodd
- Head Writers: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Stuffed Comedy Talent: Sharon Jamilkowski, Jenn Dodd, and Percy Lambert
- Featured Talent:
- Adam Hamway
- Tim Girrbach
- The Talent- Austin Rodrigues, Samantha Reece Schecter, Brandon Scott Wolf
- Brendan Mcloughlin
- Nick Bowan
- ABU Films–Steph Garcia, Jason Gullifer, Alexandra Manea, Jeremy Gerke, Maitely Weissman, Dave Cobert, Allison O’Malley
- Cooking Camera: Percy Lambert, and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Directors: Percy Lambert, Nick Bowan and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Costume Designer: Susan Ducey
- Puppet Designer: Jan Williams
- Graphic Designer: Dallas Dodd
- Editors: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Puppeteer: Percy Lambert
- “Cooking Theme Song” by Evan Cannon
- “ Lonely Old Lady”
- “Greasy Wheel”
- “Cooking Opening Theme” by Jenn Dodd, Sharon Jamilkowski
- “Street Lights”