Watch Mary Jane prepare for a potential new job with the help of Mexican Lightbulb and prepare a tasty Nutella Cereal Toast to woo her possible boss into hiring her.
- “Ricky’s Top 5 Ways To Die” by Sharon Jamilkowski, Nick Bowan and Percy Lambert
- “Adam Sandler Sings Easter Song” by Tim Girrbach
- “10 Things That Suck About Getting A New Dealer” by Papaya Brothers Comedy
- “Rockin’ & Rollin’ with Mae West” by Sharon Jamilkowski
MNN Air Dates
5/25/2015 and 6/8/2015
- Executive Producer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Producer: Jenn Dodd
- Cooking Writer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Stuffed Comedy Talent: Sharon Jamilkowski, Jenn Dodd, and Percy Lambert
- Featured Talent: Tim Girrbach,Papaya Brothers– Mike Feeney and Brendan Mcloughlin, Nick Bowan
- Cooking Camera: Percy Lambert, and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Ricky Writers: Percy Lambert, Nick Bowan and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Cooking Costume Designer: Susan Ducey
- Puppet Designer: Jan Williams
- I’ve Got Munchies Graphic Designer: Dallas Dodd
- Cooking Editors: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Puppeteer: Percy Lambert
- “Easter Song” by Tim Girrbach
- “Trio”
- “Greasy Wheel”
- “Cooking Theme” by Evan Cannon
- “I’ve Got Munchies Theme” by Sharon Jamilkowski and Jenn Dodd
- “Price Is Right Theme Song”
- “Enter Sandman”
- “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
- “Wonderwall”
- “Paint It Black”
- “Light My Fire”