Watch Mary Jane plan out her trip to Kentucky with a SPIKED Berry Arnold Palmer and tests out some “special” mushrooms for the trip by making SpaghettiOs Pizza with the help of her room mate Dealer and Pac Man.
- “Teabagger’s Patriotic Tea”
- “I Need A Nap” by Squirm & Germ
- “Ricky’s Top 5 Ways To Procrastinate”
- “Naked On A Horse Promo” by Squirm and Germ
- “Sex Insurance”
MNN Air Dates
7/6/2015 and 7/20/2015
- Executive Producer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Producer: Jenn Dodd
- Cooking/ Patriotic Tea/ Sex Insurance Writer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Stuffed Comedy Talent: Sharon Jamilkowski, Jenn Dodd, Jenny Ledel and Percy Lambert
- Featured Talent: Tim Girrbach, Nick Bowan, Leslie Marseglia
- Squirm and Germ: Tim Girrbach and Rodney Umble
- Cooking Camera: Percy Lambert, and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Ricky Writers: Percy Lambert, Nick Bowan and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Cooking Costume Designer: Susan Ducey
- Puppet Designer: Jan Williams
- I’ve Got Munchies Graphic Designer: Dallas Dodd, Sharon Jamilkowski
- Cooking Editors: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Puppeteer: Percy Lambert

- “Greasy Wheel”
- “Cooking Theme” by Evan Cannon
- “I’ve Got Munchies Theme” by Sharon Jamilkowski and Jenn Dodd
- “High Victory”
- “Danger Zone” by the mini Kenny Loggins
- “I Need A Nap” by Squirm and Germ