Watch Mary Jane goes on the KETO diet and makes Pepperoni Parmesan Crisps with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb!
- “Democratic Decoder App”
- “Manheim Takes Manhattan- Episode 1- Bueller?” by Tim Girrbach
- “Ricky’s Top 5 Slaps”
- “Big Dick” by The Jimmy Swaggers
MNN Air Dates
2/11/2019 and 2/25/2019
- Executive Producer: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Cooking/Democratic Decoder App/ Ricky’s Top 5 Slaps/ Big Dick Director: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Stuffed Comedy Talent: Sharon Jamilkowski, , Nick Bowan, Percy Lambert, Rocco Marrongelli , Marissa Parness, The Jimmy Swaggers: Bryan Hurt and Kenneth Monreal
- Cooking Camera: Percy Lambert and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Ricky Writers: Nick Bowan and Sharon Jamilkowski
- Puppet Designer: Jan Williams
- I’ve Got Munchies Graphic Designer: Dallas Dodd, Sharon Jamilkowski
- Cooking/ Ricky/ Big Dick/ Democratic Decoder Editor: Sharon Jamilkowski
- Puppeteer: Percy Lambert
- “Manheim Takes Manhattan Episode 1” By Manheim Crew
- Manheim: Tim Girrbach
- Directed by Wendy Seyb
- Produced and Filmed by Lisa Blake
- Edited by Tim Girrbach and Wendy Seyb
- “Greasy Wheel”
- “Munchies Opening Theme” by Sharon Jamilkowski and Jenn Dodd
- “Cooking Theme” by Evan Cannon
- “Fascinating and Quirky”
- “Big Dick” by Bryan Hurt and Kenneth Monreal