This show is bound to be simply hilarious! A new show from the mind of Jenneral Assembly at the Peoples Improv Theater, this is one NOT to miss, filled with some of our favorite comedians (some you’ve seen on I’ve Got Munchies).
Read more ›This show is bound to be simply hilarious! A new show from the mind of Jenneral Assembly at the Peoples Improv Theater, this is one NOT to miss, filled with some of our favorite comedians (some you’ve seen on I’ve Got Munchies).
Read more ›Know someone who has asked you for money/donations via the website Kickstarter? Our friends, Brendan Mcloughlin and Jenn Dodd, made this hilarious video about just that! Definitely Munchies and Drunkies Approved!
Read more ›I’d like to introduce you to our amazingly funny friends Firecracker! These two witty ladies, Steph Garcia and Danielle Tolley, never cease to amaze me. Watch their video “Silverstoning” and you’ll understand how committed to the act of comedy they really are.
Mac And Cheese Air FreshenerI’m a fan of smells that make me go “Yum”, so when I came across the zany odd ball store Archie McPhee‘s assortment of hunger inducing air fresheners I was instantly intrigued. Hanging on the rear view mirror style air fresheners include: cupcake, bacon, mac & cheese, cherry pie, fresh popcorn and even toast scents make any stoner get the munchies. Forget the pine scented and give me a mac & cheese freshener any day.
Read more ›Mary Jane look for something to make when her friend Mexican Lightbulb pays her a visit, and she decides to make Nilla Nana Nutters. Also featuring: A Message From Ann Romney, Ricky’s Top 5 Ways To Seduce A Lady, A Minute With Manheim from Tim Girrbach, Tina’s Toolbox- Birdhhouses, Timmy and Toehead Bully.
Read more ›As an avid mid night muncher, I am constantly searching for new food products that taste amazing but don’t ruin my so called “Diet”. Recently I stumbled across an amazing chip that, in my opinion is better than Doritos or Fritos and to boot their healthier too! (drum roll please) They are perfectly named “The Better Chip“.
Read more ›Here at I’ve Got Munchies, we don’t discriminate on how you get wasted whether it’s via herbal pleasures or through the delights of drinking. We understand it’s your own prerogative. We often like to get together for a friendly round(s) of cocktails.
Read more ›We love to play with our food and I praise any adult who takes it to a whole new level. While perusing the interwebz, I stumbled across a man who cuts his hot dogs into fun spirals (kind of like a drill bit or curly fry). Not only is it fun to look at, I can imagine eating and adding chunky toppings like chili, cheese, pickles, or sauerkraut a lot easier with the extra spirally space.
All this and more at a playful website Instructables! Check out the direction to make this spiral cut wiener here!