Watch Mary Jane figure out what to do with an abundance of animal crackers with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb and make Cake Batter Dip (Dunkaroo Dip).
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane figure out what to do with an abundance of animal crackers with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb and make Cake Batter Dip (Dunkaroo Dip).
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane prepare for a potential new job with the help of Mexican Lightbulb and prepare a tasty Nutella Cereal Toast to woo her possible boss into hiring her.
Read more ›Get ready for 4/20 high holiday with this highlarious video from our pals the Papaya Brothers. They perfectly capture the “pain in the ass”ness of getting a new dealer. Bravo! This video is officially MUNCHIES APPROVED!
Read more ›Mary Jane attempt to sign up for health insurance with the help of the Mexican Lightbulb! Cooked breakfast waffle sandwiches.
Read more ›Mary Jane is passed out from all the holiday fun, so watch her favorite funny videos from 2014 featuring The Talent comedy, Sharon Jamilkowski, Nick Bowan, Jenn Dodd, Brendan Mcloughlin, Tim Girrbach, Percy Lambert and ABU Films.
Read more ›Mary Jane moves in with her drug dealer after getting evicted and to deal with a nasty sweet tooth, she makes Dessert Potato Chips! Also featuring hilarious sketches from Sharon Jamilkowski, ABU Films: Humor Me Series, Tim Girrbach, and The Talent.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane figure out why everyone is congratulating her on a 10th Anniversary. She makes an Ice Cream Sandwich Cake to help celebrate with her friends. Also featuring hilarious videos from our funny buddies!
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane look for the “Orange Cheesy Finger Bandit” and make her favorite Doritos Burritos. Also featuring: “Doppelganger” by Squirm and Germ, Wonder Woman’s Diary, Ricky’s Top 5 Bud Light Pairings, Anti-Bullying PSA and Brendan Mcloughlin’s “Shit- A Micro Short”.
Read more ›On this episode of I’ve Got Munchies, Mary Jane discovers her DARE graduation old home movie and decides to celebrate her 20th anniversary from her DARE graduation by making SUGAR CONE SURPRISES. Also featuring funny sketches: “We Squirm and Germ” by Squirm and Germ, “How To Enjoy Live Theater” by Jenneral Assembly, “Ricky’s Top 5 New Laws” by Sharon Jamilkowski, “Old PBR Commercial” by Brendan Mcloughlin, and “Snowmageddon” by Humor Me show.
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