Mary Jane gets an eviction notice and needs to move, so she makes pizza fries to energize her to pack. Also featuring funny videos from: ABU Films, The Talent, Squirm and Germ, and Sharon Jamilkowski.
Read more ›Mary Jane gets an eviction notice and needs to move, so she makes pizza fries to energize her to pack. Also featuring funny videos from: ABU Films, The Talent, Squirm and Germ, and Sharon Jamilkowski.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane figure out why everyone is congratulating her on a 10th Anniversary. She makes an Ice Cream Sandwich Cake to help celebrate with her friends. Also featuring hilarious videos from our funny buddies!
Read more ›On June 21st, 2004 “I’ve Got Munchies” premiered on Manhattan Neighborhood Network! 10 years later, “I’ve Got Munchies” is bigger and better than ever with top New York City comedians and yummiest munchies recipes made by our stoner friend Mary Jane! We can’t wait to celebrate 10 years of success!
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane look for the “Orange Cheesy Finger Bandit” and make her favorite Doritos Burritos. Also featuring: “Doppelganger” by Squirm and Germ, Wonder Woman’s Diary, Ricky’s Top 5 Bud Light Pairings, Anti-Bullying PSA and Brendan Mcloughlin’s “Shit- A Micro Short”.
Read more ›On this episode of I’ve Got Munchies, Mary Jane discovers her DARE graduation old home movie and decides to celebrate her 20th anniversary from her DARE graduation by making SUGAR CONE SURPRISES. Also featuring funny sketches: “We Squirm and Germ” by Squirm and Germ, “How To Enjoy Live Theater” by Jenneral Assembly, “Ricky’s Top 5 New Laws” by Sharon Jamilkowski, “Old PBR Commercial” by Brendan Mcloughlin, and “Snowmageddon” by Humor Me show.
Read more ›Mary Jane gets the munchies deals with Living Dead Zombie Leftovers while making LOADED Mashed Potatoes out of her leftovers. Also featuring: Mae West’s “Deck My Halls”, Squirm and Germ’s “Turducken”, Jenneral Assembly’s “New York City Family Vacation”, Burt’s Butt Chap and Ricky’s Top 5 Christmas Conspiracies.
Read more ›As a firm believer in celebrating and sharing comedy in all it’s form, we wanted to alert you guys to a show that is gonna blow some socks off the funny door. This show- “No Show: A One Woman Show” has been carefully created by the comedic genius behind some of I’ve Got Munchies’ funniest sketches. Please check it out Ms. Jenn Dodd‘s latest creation!
Read more ›One of our funny buddies and video contributor to I’ve Got Munchies, the talented Jenn Dodd, needs our help! Coming this October at Stage Left Studios in New York City, Jenn has put together a menagerie of funny characters in her new show “No Show: A One Woman Show”…. this is where we come in, she needs a little bit of money to make this masterpiece into a reality on stage. Plus, there are some awesome perks to sweeten the deal!
Check out the Indiegogo page and make a pledge! ANY amount helps these characters come alive!
Read more ›Mary Jane loses her wallet AGAIN and enlist the help of her pet Pac-man and GE Fridgemaster 3000. On a break from looking she makes Donut Fruit kabobs with Master Chopsy keeping her focused. Also featuring: Firecracker Duo’s- “White People Problems #34”, Ricky’s Top 5 Reason Summer 2013 Will Rock, The Weaver, Squirm and Germ’s- “Kids Party!” and Nunba with Sister Clare!
Read more ›Check out the March edition of “Buttski & Glasscock’s New Talent Blow Out” show filmed at the Peoples Improv Theater in New York City on “I’ve Got Munchies Presents…”
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