Watch Mary Jane make BELATED munchies Christmas gifts, Candy Cane Rice Krispies Treats, for her friends with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane make BELATED munchies Christmas gifts, Candy Cane Rice Krispies Treats, for her friends with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb.
Read more ›Mary Jane is still passed out from New Year’s Eve, so we are taking a look back at 2015’s funniest videos.
Read more ›To celebrate “Back To The Future” Day, Mary Jane settles in to watch the trilogy and makes Snack Necklaces and Crunchy Nacho Style Pigs In A Blanket with the help of her pals Mexican Lightbulb and Pac Man.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane search for gold coins with the help of her friend the Mexican Light bulb and bong Lindsay BLOhan, and take a snack breaks to make POP ROCK rimmed Strawberry Wine Spritzers and Twinkie Strawberry Shortcake.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane figure out why everyone is congratulating her on a 10th Anniversary. She makes an Ice Cream Sandwich Cake to help celebrate with her friends. Also featuring hilarious videos from our funny buddies!
Read more ›Comedic Rappers Squirm and Germ have done it again! Their newest video “Kid’s Party!” is by far a funny morsel of a music video released for YouTube’s Comedy Week! I’ve already watched this video 5 times today and I will definitely be running around singing the chorus “Soda, Nachos, Pizza, Boogers!” all day!
Read more ›From the hilarious rap group Squirm and Germ comes this laugh out loud worthy video “Pregnant in the Club” featuring the talented Jen Kwok. If you look close enough, you will see some of our I’ve Got Munchies crew in the group shots getting our preggo on. Not only is this song catchy, but it’ll make you laugh for more! We put our seal of Munchies approval on this; Great job Squirm and Germ (also known as Tim Girrbach and Rodney Umble)!
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane buy a massive amount of Pop Tarts for Pop Tart Sandwiches, which she makes the sandwiches compete against each in Pop Tart Idol. Also featuring: The Joy of Painting- Music Edition, Janice Peppermill on being single, Timmy and Toehead- Art Class, Squirm and Germ’s “We Doo Wop”, Ricky’s Top 5 Women He Wishes Were Real, Mariyln Snodgrass- Stylist for the Dead, and Papaya Brothers “BTA”.
Read more ›The hilariously funny Squirm and Germ are an Irish/German Boy and A Mennonite with a Love for Hip-Hop and Comedy. This dynamic duo have an incredible new album out September 6th, 2011 on iTunes and Amazon. Definitely check it out, you won’t bee sad you did.
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