Mary Jane has the apartment to her self and gets ready for a “Gilmore Girls” marathon by making Pull Apart Cheesy Garlic Bread.
Read more ›Mary Jane has the apartment to her self and gets ready for a “Gilmore Girls” marathon by making Pull Apart Cheesy Garlic Bread.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane get ready for a date with her new boyfriend and with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb, makes Banana Nut Pancakes.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane make BELATED munchies Christmas gifts, Candy Cane Rice Krispies Treats, for her friends with the help of her Mexican Lightbulb.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane buy a massive amount of Pop Tarts for Pop Tart Sandwiches, which she makes the sandwiches compete against each in Pop Tart Idol. Also featuring: The Joy of Painting- Music Edition, Janice Peppermill on being single, Timmy and Toehead- Art Class, Squirm and Germ’s “We Doo Wop”, Ricky’s Top 5 Women He Wishes Were Real, Mariyln Snodgrass- Stylist for the Dead, and Papaya Brothers “BTA”.
Read more ›Mary Jane look for something to make when her friend Mexican Lightbulb pays her a visit, and she decides to make Nilla Nana Nutters. Also featuring: A Message From Ann Romney, Ricky’s Top 5 Ways To Seduce A Lady, A Minute With Manheim from Tim Girrbach, Tina’s Toolbox- Birdhhouses, Timmy and Toehead Bully.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane make her favorite Cookie Smash. Also featuring her friends: Carolyn Meeks OCD Rant, A Minute With Manheim: Driving, Timmy and Toehead: Timmy’s Nightmare, American Society Of Prevention Of Cruelty to Stuffed Animals commercial, Rhonda Tuttle Reality Show, Promo for How to Play Like A Tennis Pro with Anna Kournikova, Victoria Jackson at Occupy Wall Street and Ricky’s Top 5- Things to Steal From Walmart.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane make Ham and Pickle Roll Ups! Also featuring: Tina’s Toolbox- Oven Maintenence, Timmy and Toehead- The Bully, Firster Response Pregnancy Test, Anthony Weiner Writes A Letter To His Future Self, A Minute With Manheim- Puppies, and Carolyn Meeks Rant.
Read more ›Watch Mary Jane search for her imaginarium (a gift her imaginary friend, Carrie Jane, gave her) and she discovers a monster in her closet. She makes Cereal Remixed for her and the closet monster. Also featuring: Monster Rap Video, Drunk Girls Reenact “Waterfalls”, Eunice’s Vino Brewery, Tina’s Toolbox “Toolbelts”, and Timmy & Toehead “New Toys” .
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